About Susan


Susan German has 28 years of experience in classroom teaching math and science in Hallsville, MO. While most of her experience is in 8th grade, she has taught grades 6 through 12. She holds National Board Certification and earned a BS- Ed in Science Education, a B.A. in Chemistry, a Masters in Science Education, and an Educational Specialist in Educational Technology with an emphasis in Learning Systems Design and Development. Honors include the National Science Teachers Association Distinguished Teaching Award and the Science Teachers of Missouri Outstanding Service award, plus held leadership positions on the Board of Directors for both organizations.

​Currently, Susan is a full-time doctoral student in the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies while continuing to teach full-time at Hallsville Schools. She is a graduate research assistant for her advisor, Dr. Johannes Strobel. Both are working with the eMINTS National Center, at the University of Missouri College of Education implementing the Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) grant from the U.S. Department of Education to improve STEM education in rural middle schools in Missouri and Kansas

WiPRO Science Fellow Portfolio

Creativity and Computational Thinking

GermanSusan-Wipro_SEF MU

My dear friend, Betsy O'Day, and myself as we are inducted as Missouri WiPRO Science Fellows in May 2018,

WiPRO fellows from Missouri and Massachusetts at California Conference.